Cucumber, Turkey and Avocado Paleo Roll

Cucumber, avocado, turkey paleo roll.

Cucumber, avocado, turkey paleo roll.

Cavemen Gourmet is a website where you cand find a lot of paleo snack recipes. I’ve just discovered it and I love it. Specially the Cucumber, Turkey and Avocado  Paleo Roll. It’s must be delicious, in addition it has an original presentation. Let’s see, we must:

  1. Peel the cucumbers.
  2. Then cut your cucumber in half (not lengthwise!).
  3. Next make an initial indentation lengthwise and start cutting the core of the cucumber out, creating a hollow log shape out of the cucumber.
  4. Next, core and slice your avocado in quarters.
  5. Layer the turkey in the cucumber and place the avocado in the turkey.

See! It’s a fast and easy paleo snack recipe  very fresh for summer.

As I always told you: keep it simple.


2 cucumbers
8oz sliced turkey breast
2 ripe avocado




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