Apples dehydrated


How to deshydrate apples in oven.

How to deshydrate apples in oven.

How to deshydrate apples in oven.

Yeah, ok…I told you I would bring you only easy and fast paleo recipes…ok, this is maybe no so fast as I would like but it’s a great alternative to those deshydrater machines.

Here the easy intructions for this paleo snack via VIA FIT SUGAR FITNESS:

  1. Cut your apples into thin slices.
  2. Place a piece of parchment paper over a cookie sheet, and lay the thinly sliced apples down.
  3. Set the oven to 150 degrees or as low a setting as possible. Bake anywhere from 10 to 20 hours, checking on them periodically and flipping them over at least once to bake the opposite side.
  4. Your apples will look done when they have the consistency of a raisin. They should still be able to bend without holding too much moisture. Any slices that aren’t thoroughly dehydrated will need to be eaten first, as they are the most perishable.
Apple deshydrated in oven.

Apple deshydrated in oven.

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